The drone controversy on the East Coast is quickly also becoming an Illinois problem as many UFO reports over the state during the past 5 days are now believed to be drones.
It began when a man saw something bright in the late afternoon sky, but it wasn't a planet, star or anything he'd seen before. He then noticed military jets in formation nearby. The unidentified object then moved as it appeared to be fleeing from the approaching planes over Illinois.
By their nature UFO sightings tend to be strange. Even by that standard, this Missouri report is weird. A man claims to have see a huge Tic Tac-like object in the sky over his home. Seriously.
It's not unusual to see a light dart across the sky that you can't explain. It's yet another when you see a strange object for nearly an hour and it gets close enough that it sets off a car alarm. That's exactly what a recent report claims happened during a close encounter in Missouri.
Due to the mystique, many people hope to someday see a genuine UFO. A few days ago two Missouri brothers decided to take it to the next level by actually trying to summon an E.T. Their video shows that something answered.
I'm a born skeptic especially when it comes to UFO's. I was born and raised in Missouri so "show me" is a built-in motto for what it takes for me to believe something. There's a very recent video captured in Missouri over a rural backroad that's interesting for a lot of reasons.
The first time I watched this security camera video captured in a Missouri backyard, I was convinced it was an airplane. Now, I'm pretty sure it's not after I learned that it appeared in nearly the same place twice.
This is one of the most fun Missouri golf moments I've ever been able to share and that's saying something. A group of Missouri golfers claim they saw 50 UFO's on the course they were playing yet still managed to make birdie on the 13th hole. Incredible.