On March 30, 1973 all U.S. troops withdrew from Vietnam. In a ceremony long overdue these troops were welcomed home Wednesday March 30, 2011 here in Owensboro.

In 1973, instead of receiving a welcome fitting for the sacrifice they made for this country, most of the returning troops encountered hostility or outright hatred . Frustration. Anger. Disloyal. Unappreciated. All of these words could describe the possible feelings and thoughts that went through the minds of these individuals. Some of these troops were drafted, yet still fought and died for the lives of the men to their right and left, only to be called names and spat upon upon their return.

During the Vietnam War 58,156  lost their lives, while 303,704 were wounded in action.

Politics played a key role in the lack of respect that was due to these individuals. In 1973, those who were against the war did not support the troops like many do today. Yesterday the United States government gave us the opportunity to return that respect to the troops.

The U.S. Senate passed a resolution on March 7, 2011, declaring March 30 “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day.”  The day was to be recognized across the U.S. as a day of commemoration, a day to pay the proper respect to the veterans who sacrificed so much during the war.

Vietnam Veteran’s Day was our chance to right the wrong done to these troops. The people of the United States finally gave these men and women the respect due them.

About 400 or us gathered outside the V.A. Clinic on New Hartford Road here in Owensboro Wed. The program began a bit later than the 3pm schedule due to traffic and parking problems. "I've waited over 40 years for this day,"said one veteran in the group,"I certainly can wait a few more minutes to be properly welcomed home."

Freedom Rider Motorcycles, A Color Guard, Singing of the National Anthem by City Commissioner Pam Smith-Wright, and a speech by Sheriff and Vietnam Vet Keith Cain brought honor and respect to the day. The crowd of mostly veterans and their families in attendance seemed to appreciate the recognition but something didn't seem right.

Where were the average citizens, media outlets, the ROTC units and younger military ?

I understand the fact that 3pm on a Wed. afternoon is in the middle of the work day, babysitters are scarce due to school and the temps and winds made it a bit chilly. Still, these HERO's deserve out thanks.

It is not too late. If you have an opportunity to thank someone for their service to our country in the future please do so. Teach your children about the sacrafices that have been made so they can live in the greatest nation on the Planet. Be thankful to those who gave and continue to give so much so we can live in freedom.

I have posted a gallery of ph0tos taken during the events March 30, 2011. I hope you will take the time to view them.

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