What Could Go Into The Old Kmart Building In Wesleyan Park Plaza?
Angel Here! My husband, Joe and I were driving through Wesleyan Park Plaza Sunday and I glanced at the old Kmart building and it hit me I know exactly what Owensboro needs!
On our way to Florida earlier this summer we stopped to eat at a mall food court. As everyone ordered what they wanted and there was no fighting and we all then gathered back together to enjoy a meal I started thinking how awesome it would be to have a stand alone food court in Owensboro.
I started looking into the idea and according to a recent article Stores NFX Magazine these food "halls" are the next step in evolution for food retail.
In another article in Chain Store Age CSA The Business of Retail food courts are all the rage across the country and are the more economic way to start a restaurant business. It is cheaper than starting a stand alone restaurant and it gives people a variety.
Most of these food halls are ranging anywhere from 10,000-50,000 square feet. I think that the Old Kmart and Pet Food Center locations in Wesleyan Park Plaza would be ideal for this! I know of course renovations would need to be done but why waste the space. It is a very high traffic area in Owensboro and I would hate to see vacant.
Let us know what you think! Give us some ideas! I have already decided all the restaurants I want to see. Here are the best mall food court restaurants according to thrill list.