A Safe Haven For Newborns (Shaped by Faith)
Lori Lewis is an ambassador for “A Safe Haven for Newborns.”
I met Lori a few months ago after she attended my Shaped by Faith Pilates class at OCC Rec Center for the first time. I was immediately drawn to Lori because of the love that she displays to everyone she meets. She introduced herself to me before I had a chance to welcome her to my class. I was so glad God brought her to my Pilates class that day. Lori and her husband have dedicated their lives to fostering children and adopting one of the first Safe Haven Newborns.
Here is some information about Safe Haven for Newborns taken directly from their website.
Safe Haven” is a safety net for both the mother and the newborn infant. It allows mothers, fathers or whoever is in possession of an unharmed newborn, approximately seven days old or less, to leave them with someone at Safe Havens: any hospital, staffed fire rescue station, or staffed emergency medical service station, with no questions asked, totally anonymous, free from fear of prosecution. The hospital will contact a participating private adoption agency who will then arrange placement of the newborn with a waiting family.
The Safe Havens: hospitals, fire rescue stations and emergency medical service stations working to receive these babies coupled with the identity protection of the parent, make this law an effective tool in preventing unnecessary deaths of newborn citizens of the state of Florida.
A Safe Haven for Newborns is dedicated to reaching pregnant girls and mothers before they reach the crisis stage. We assist them as they make their decision in the best interest of their baby and themselves, whether with counseling, parenting, health related issues, Adoption or confidentially placing their Newborn with a “Safe Haven”.
A Safe Haven for Newborns is saving lives with on-going, comprehensive, statewide public awareness campaigns. https://asafehavenfornewborns.com/
Hotline 1-844-767-2229