Angel’s Hilarious Family Fall Picture Outtakes (PHOTOS)
Angel here! With the seasons changing and the beautiful colors come the obligatory yearly Welsh family photos. Most people only show the best shots. I wanted to show you the real ones!
Picture perfect right?! You have no idea the lengths our photographer had to go to get this shot.
I don't ask for much. Just show up, look your best, brush your hair, and smile for momma! My son, Braden, missed this entire memo.
Next, we move on to wanting just to take a picture of all the guys. Charlotte was not having it. She is always included in what they do so she didn't understand why she couldn't be in the picture. Insert yelling mom here~
Yes she is rolling her eyes at me here. Notice how my husband, Joe, never broke character one time. He just kept on smiling!
Each year we generally do pictures around Charlotte's birthday. I take advantage of this and get her birthday pictures made too. As Charlotte ages she becomes more dramatic and crazy LOL. This is what those photos looked like.
All of these are totally her! But just like always, Jacy English, of Mustard Seed Photography captures perfection even with a difficult subject!
Just as any other mom I went to Pinterest to find the perfect family pose. It went like this!
and without fail my big boys had to fight!
Can't momma just have nice things! All I ask is for one day a year PEOPLE!
Our family is certainly not perfect but they are perfect to me. These pics serve as special memories and I am so very thankful to have them~
AS ALWAYS THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME SHARE MY FAMILY WITH YOU and Thank you Mustard Seed Photography and Jacy English you are AMAZING~