In late July, the beautiful summer sunflowers are in full bloom. And people around the tri-state flock to the Blue Grass to photograph their loved ones among the bright yellow and black foliage.

But, recently, the Friends of the Blue Grass Fish and Wildlife Reserve in Chandler, IN, had to put a post on Facebook asking that if you use the sunflowers for a backdrop to please refrain from using glitter bombs, and please leave the flowers for others to admire as well - do not pick them. They've also asked that photographers consider donating a part of the proceeds to Blue Grass to aid with the upkeep of the property.


Sunflower mania is beginning. I think it ridiculous to have to say please don’t dump glitter in the sunflower fields but yeah...just don’t do it. If you see something going on please report it. People loose their minds and these flowers are not even planted out there for photo shoots. Respect the land and consider donating part of your profit from what clients pay you to take pictures back to the land.

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