Some Disney super fans have the dream of proposing or being proposed to, in front of the iconic castle, at Disney's Magic Kingdom. Lee Loechler took his Disney proposal to the next level, by working with an animator to put himself and his girlfriend in the movie Sleeping Beauty!

The entire proposal is amazing, but the coolest part, is when the animated Lee tosses the engagement ring to the real life Lee. The look on his now fiance' (She said yes) is priceless. Then, she looks around the theatre and realizes it's full of their friends and family. This magical proposal really needs to be followed up by a Disney Fairy Tale Wedding.

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It's not every day you get to propose to your High School sweetheart. For the past six months, I've been working with an illustrator to animate my girlfriend and myself into her favorite movie, Sleeping Beauty. On 12/30/19 I popped the question in a theater filled with our friends and family.


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