With an early spring, things are blooming everywhere. One of the Lowe Families annual trips is to the greenhouse at Daviess County High School.  Each year the FFA Students offer tomato and pepper plants in addition to annuals, hanging baskets and other plants at great prices. Our purchases help keep the program going and we get health plants. It is a win/win situation. Ihave listed the information below.

The Daviess County High School Greenhouse will open to the public from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. weekdays starting Monday, April 9. All proceeds will fund student scholarships and the DCHS FFA greenhouse classes. 


Items for sale include geraniums, petunias, impatiens, marigold, peppers, tomatoes, Boston ferns, hanging baskets and many other plants. 

For more information, contact agriculture teacher and FFA adviser Chad Askins at (270) 852-7300 or chad.askins@daviess.kyschools.us  


Prices start at $1 for a four-pack of ageratum (high tide blue) or lobelia (lilac splash). Marigolds are $1.50 per four-pack (Durango red, Durango yellow). Other prices are:

Geraniums - $1.50 to $2 (pinto red, pinto white, ivy leaf contessa purple)

Petunias - $1.50 (blue easy wave, white easy wave, red easy wave)

Impatiens - $1.50 (red or white)

Spider plants - $3

Alocacia - $5

Peppers - $1.50 per four-pack (green pepper, Big Bertha; red pepper, Karma Hybrid)

Tomatoes - $2 per four-pack (Better Boy, Beefy Boy, Roma)

Hanging baskets - $10

Boston fern - $15

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