Is KY Among the Lamest Places to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? [INTERACTIVE MAP]
Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day so pull out the green clothes, get ready to drink green beer and eat green candy! investigated which states really know how to celebrate St. Paddy's Day. Did Kentucky have the luck of the Irish on its side and make the cut?
The Rowdiest States for St. Patrick Day in America Interactive Map was released this month and based on the number of parades & festivals and Kentucky ranked in the "Least Rowdy" category. They need to spend time in the bar with me and my friends as I know we could raise the score! I’ve been known to throw down a few green beers in my day. I'm part Irish after all so it's a given. No matter what you do tomorrow please just be safe, dance the night away and drink green beer until your lips change color!
You'll have to visit States like New York, Michigan or Florida to really celebrate, see a great parade, take a pub call and go wild!
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Enjoy your St. Patrick's Day! Click here to get some green candy and see the entire story on!