Owensboro's Julius Maddox is a force to be reckoned with and this weekend was no different as he took the bench to set an all-time bench press record at Sling Shot Record Makers.

I am blessed to know Julius on a personal level as he works beside my husband, Joe, daily.  He is humble, kind, and a firm believer in the Lord.  He gives full credit for his success to the man above.

Today he is visiting classes at Daviess County Middle School.  During football season he can be found in the locker room or on the field with the Owensboro Red Devils as a Character Coach.  Yesterday he chased Charlotte around Owensboro Christian making her laugh and swinging her around like a big ole teddy bear.  He's a true success story.

716 pounds is a lot of weight but he will keep pushing and training and getting stronger and better.

We are so very proud of you Julius not just for your record but for what you represent in a world for of negativity you rise above!


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