After more than 40 years in the broadcast business you would think I had seen and heard it all. Yet, I found myself getting a bit weepy as my guests this morning talked about losing a child before he or she is born.


(Since we posted this last week there has been a lot of talk but little movement on the project. In an effort to spur some contributions WOMI will give the first 50 people to make a contribution of $14.90 or more a free Chicken Soup for the Soul Book when you make your donation at our studios. We are located at 3301 Frederica St., Owensboro. Office hours M-F from 8 - 5. ) The Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer has also expressed an interest and is doing an interview with Leslye and Mary in the near future. Please come by and make a donation and help create an Angel for the Angel's.

Mary Edwards and Lesley Scott share an experience many of us would rather not know about. They both lost a child. Some call it miscarriage others still born, either way the hurt of never knowing, holding or in many cases seeing your child is something you never get over.

When this type of thing happens there is no burial, no grave, no place visit on holidays or when one just wants to quietly reflect on the loss.

Many suffer in silence. Mary and Leslie want to do to change that. They want to erect a statue of an angel to create a place for those who have lost a child, confront their grief and HEAL.


In today's interview we talked about how this all began. An amazing book written by Richard Paul Evans called The Christmas Box. There are several Christmas Box Angel Monuments in the United States. The one in Daviess County will be in Memorial Gardens on Hwy 144 past Reid Orchard.

I am posting photos of the location for the monument, the Angel Statue itself, and some others from the website. I also have the full interview posted for you to hear.

The monument will also be a gathering place for a yearly candlelight ceremony to be held with others throughout the U.S. each Dec. 6th. The vigil begins at 7pm local time is a public gathering for anyone who has lost a loved one.

The Raising Hope goal is $15,000 plus the cost of the base in Memorial Gardens. It is for all who have lost an unborn child. An account has been established at 5th Third Bank in Owensboro for those who wish to make a donation. We also have a collection jar set up in the WOMI/WBKR lobby located at 3301 Frederica for those wishing to donate.

The group also is working with the Civitan Club to hold a BINGO fundraiser at the Big Blue Building on Old Hartford Rd. Feb. 14th. They will begin at 5PM with proceeds going to the Monument Fund.

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