Shepherds Hand Clothing Ministry is on the move thanks to Gwen Bennett the founder. Gwen shared that since January the donations of good clean clothes has increased as this ministry continues to clothe children, seniors, the homeless, veterans and those in need.

Gwen spoke about that their work exchange program and how this program has increased from 3-6 people a day helping to 25 people each day. Their work exchange program allows people to work beside Christian men and women at Shepherds Hand while they share the gospel with them.

This ministry has many families not only raising their own children but also raising their friends children, family members and neighbors children.

Gwen was beaming and she always is when she talks about how God answers the prayers of this clothing ministry and that He meets every single need there is.

If you want to find out more about Shepherds Hand Ministry or donate clothing items,  check out Shepherds Hand Clothing Ministry.

Everyone needs to stretch! Gwen demonstrates a shoulder stretch to relieve tension and stress in the shoulders and cervical spine. Give it a try!!!


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