Snow Moon Making an Appearance This Weekend…Snow or No Snow
I'm learning that every month's full moon has a name. No, not like Lloyd, Connie, or Barbara. No, a name befitting the time of the year.
In January, we had the Wolf Moon. Because wolves love January, right? Nope. Well, they might, but that's not why they get January's full moon. It's an ancient thing, dating back to a time when the moons were named because those naming them associated it with something common at that time of the year. And legend has it that Native Americans were hearing the howl of the wolf a great deal in January and so, boom, the Wolf Moon in January.
March has the Worm Moon, because of the heavy earthworm activity in that month. "Heavy earthworm activity" is, honestly, not a phrase I ever thought I'd write. In April, we get to see the Pink Moon, so named because of all the blooming that happens in early spring.
It's the Flower Moon in May, the Strawberry Moon in June (no extra charge for the rhyme), the Buck Moon in July, and the Sturgeon Moon in August.
"Harvest Moon" is a term for the full moons in both September and October, event though they've also been referred to as the Corn Moon and the Hunter's Moon, respectively. We close out the year with the Beaver Moon in November and the Cold Moon in December. Makes sense. has the explanations for all these names and it's really some interesting reading.
What we're looking at this WEEKEND, is the Snow Moon. And it's called that because whoever named it believed February to be the snowiest month. Whether or not that's true, I can't really argue after what we just went through here in the tri-state.
But if we get a clear early morning this Saturday--like around 2:17AM Central--we can get a good look at it. And, according to, it should be full both Friday AND Saturday nights.
Very cool.
Hey, maybe that could be an alternate name. The Very Cool Moon. Why not?