“It’s a Beautiful Day Outside!” [SHAPED BY FAITH]“It’s a Beautiful Day Outside!” [SHAPED BY FAITH]A rainy Labor Day Weekend is a bit of a bummer, but there's still reason to rejoice.katiealberskatiealbers
Shaped By FaithShaped By FaithThis week I have felt very tired, and my face shows it. There are dark circles under my dull eyes, my skin is worn, and the corners of my mouth droop.katiealberskatiealbers
We’re Weary Already [SHAPED BY FAITH]We’re Weary Already [SHAPED BY FAITH]We have only been back in school a couple weeks, and the whole family is already worn out.katiealberskatiealbers
Who’s the Greedy One Here? Part 2 [SHAPED BY FAITH]Who’s the Greedy One Here? Part 2 [SHAPED BY FAITH]So after finding a hole in my net, God used Proverbs 11:24 to convict my heart that I was being greedy to guard my strawberries from the squirrels.katiealberskatiealbers
Who’s the Greedy One Here? Part 1 [SHAPED BY FAITH]Who’s the Greedy One Here? Part 1 [SHAPED BY FAITH]Squirrels have been stealing my strawberries all summer long, so I shouldn't feel selfish for guarding them, right?katiealberskatiealbers
Shaped by a School BusShaped by a School BusMy heart dropped when my son got on the bus for the very first time and had to sit in the back with the big kids.katiealberskatiealbers
Clear My Vision So I Can See Wonderful Things in Your Law [SHAPED BY FAITH]Clear My Vision So I Can See Wonderful Things in Your Law [SHAPED BY FAITH]Scripture : Life :: Eyeglasses : Visionkatiealberskatiealbers
Idols No Longer Exist, Or Do They? [SHAPED BY FAITH]Idols No Longer Exist, Or Do They? [SHAPED BY FAITH]I used to think of idols as little ceramic dolls from Bible times to which people would pray. I believed the lie that idols no longer exist.katiealberskatiealbers
New Shaped by Faith [Video]New Shaped by Faith [Video]As I am taking this journey from love of food to love of God, I am finding it very helpful to physically write out the lies that I have been telling myself all my life and replace them with the truth of scripture and prayerful revelation...katiealberskatiealbers
What’s Your Favorite Color? [SHAPED BY FAITH]What’s Your Favorite Color? [SHAPED BY FAITH]When we take time to see the tiniest joys, our glad hearts bring God glory.katiealberskatiealbers