See those cookies? They're the handy work of four boys from Whitesville, Kentucky. I suppose before we continue, I should introduce you to the boys.

Meet the Abbotts- the sons of my friends Bridget and Aaron Abbott. The four of us played softball together and against each other for years. We go way back- to even before these guys were even born.

Bridget Abbott
Bridget Abbott

Here are the kids. Keaton, who's 11, is on the top left. That's 9-year-old Luke beside him at the top right. Jake is 6.  He's the one on the bottom right. Then there's Knox, the 2-year-old on the bottom left.

Like so many families this Thanksgiving, the Abbott crew battled the flu and they got stuck at home over the holiday weekend.  So, as Bridget explains, "We stayed at home for Thanksgiving and celebrated 'just us' and we really enjoyed the family time."

That said, Bridget does admit that after a bit, all the snuggling turned into wrestling and she and Aaron quickly became referees. To keep the boys entertained, they came up with some different things to do.  One of which was this!

Bridget Abbott
Bridget Abbott
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Bridget ordered this from Hannah Porter.  As you can see, it's a DIY cookie kit.  Hannah bakes the cookies, but gives you everything you need to decorate them.  The day after Thanksgiving, the boys decided it was time to dive into the project.  After they finished decorating them, Keaton (the oldest) was convinced that his cookie looked the best. To prove it, he talked his mom into posting the photos on social media so that Facebook could determine the winner.

The boys joined the WBKR morning show Monday morning to chat about the project and share their thoughts about who's going to win!

Chime in!  I mean, some serious bragging rights are on the line here. At the time of this story, there were 28 votes and counting on Facebook. Now we need YOU to chime in.

Which cookie is YOUR favorite?


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