Free Legal Help for Parents with Custody and Visitation Issues
A new telephone hotline has been introduced in Kentucky to give qualifying parents free legal assistance related to their custody and visitation concerns. Such a great resource to help parents and children.
This new hotline is for eligible parents who have concerns regarding custody and visitation issues with their children. This is such an important resource for those who can't afford an attorney and want the best for their children. The need is real in Kentucky.
An attorney will be on hand that will handle all hotline calls and provide legal advice or assistance to callers such as how to file a motion, how to file or change a child custody or visitation order in the appropriate court and how to work through visitation and custody issues.
“Helping parents with their custody and visitation questions will give them more peace of mind,” CHFS Secretary Vickie Yates Brown Glisson noted. “In turn, this will help children. The connection between parents having a relationship with their children and financially supporting their children is strong. Collection of court-ordered child support payments is another integral part of the Office of Child Support Enforcement’s mission.”
The toll-free Custody and Visitation Hotline number is 1-844-673-3470. Phone lines are open Monday-Friday: 8 -11 a.m. and 12-2 p.m. CST
The Kentucky Child Support Interactive website - - is available for parents to access information about their cases and to make payments.