It is that time of year again! The International Barbecue Fest is back in downtown Owensboro this Friday and Saturday. And as always it brings with it a variety of fun activities and of course great food!

I always enjoy the Barbecue Fest and try to make it down for a little while every year. I even enjoy the smell of pits cooking which you can smell for miles away! And you never know what types of unique items you may find from the various vendors.

With all of the construction going on downtown, you may be wondering where the Barbecue Fest will be set up. Well worry no more! Below is a map of where everything will be set up for Barbecue Fest. Click on the image ant it will take you to the website for a bigger view.

Oh and make sure to stop by and say hi because the team from WBKR will be there broadcasting Friday and Saturday!


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