Missouri Man Has Seen Bigfoot 15 Times and Has Tracks to Prove It
It's quite a claim to say you've had an encounter with Bigfoot. It's yet another to say that it's happened more than a dozen times. That's the story of one Missouri man who says he's encountered one of these creatures at least 15 times in his lifetime near the Meramec River.

Kudos to one of my favorite Bigfoot channels on YouTube, Sasquatch Theory, for the find of Dennis and his encounters. Here's word for word how they described what's happened to Dennis:
Dennis grew up around the Meramec river in Franklin county, MO. Dennis claims to have had over 15 bigfoot encounters in his life. In this interview, you will hear his many frightening encounters and how he managed to live alongside them for all these years. Throughout the years Dennis has been able to collect a large number of tracks that he found on his property. They vary in size and each one has its own story behind it. We were even able to document a fresh track while visiting the farm.
Make your own judgment of Dennis' story. He seems like a very down-to-Earth Missouri dude.
In case you haven't taken the time to check out their interview with Dennis, here are some tracks he's collected over the years.
Notice the mammoth size of these prints compared to a human foot.
I've spent a lot of time in the Missouri woods and I know it's easy to let your mind go crazy thinking you've heard and/or seen something. However, Dennis seems like he sincerely believes he's seen something paranormal near his land and I can't argue with the size of the prints he's collected. His evidence is compelling and time will only tell if this is enough to cause a large investigation of his area to happen.
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