Owensboro filmmaker and founder of Verite Cinema, PJ Starks, will be featured on the PBS series Main Street.

PJ's independent film series, Unscripted: An Indie Film Xperience, kicked off at the Daviess County Public Library on January 11th and it's that film series that will be the focus for Main Street as part of its 21st season on PBS.

The independent film work that PJ has done in and around the Owensboro area over the last few years attracted the attention of the Main Street producers and so they will be on hand Friday night, February 1st, at the public library recording portions of Verite Cinema's six-week film project.

Doors will open at 8:30PM and the screenings will begin at 9PM. A unique live audio commentary during screening is just one feature of the series. Plus screeners will have the opportunity to pose questions to the filmmaker or filmmakers on site.

Admission, popcorn, and drinks will be free and everyone who can is encouraged to attend to show PBS the support this community gives to its artistic endeavors.

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