Prior to becoming a Christian, my mornings were hectic as I hurried through the house preparing my girls for school and myself for work.  Prayer was not a part of my daily preparation.  Granted, I did attend church most Sundays and prayed before meals.  I thought going to church once a week would somehow cover me and the children until the next Sunday.  Occasionally I would even toss up a prayer and hope it made its way to heaven.  I existed in the moment and my life lacked real meaning or purpose.  I often dreamed about how my life should have been.  Even during those times, something inside of me was yearning for more and hoping that I would fulfill my dreams and purposes on this earth.

          The day I turned my life over to Christ was like awakening to a surprise snow fall.  The old world now blanketed with snow appears fresh and new.   The once bare brown branches now seem to be wearing an angelic silver glow.  Most importantly, I experienced a new child like perspective on matters of the heart. 

          Allowing God to take control of my life has been my best decision.  It has transformed me form the inside out.  Naturally I am a work in progress with every day problems and concerns, but I am blessed to have Christ willing to shoulder my load.  Becoming a Christian is not complicated.  First, you must truly believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is the son of God.  You must believe that he died on the cross for your sins and on the third day he arose victoriously over death.  If you believe this, then you have begun your Christian journey.  Welcome aboard!

          Somewhat comparable to becoming a Christian is learning how to exercise.  I was clueless about the bible when I first became a Christian.  I did not know where to begin reading or what translation of the bible to read.  Even now when I read God’s word each day I still face struggles.  I believe our struggles perfect our walk with Christ.  When I first started to exercise, I had to be taught proper form, technique, what exercises worked certain muscles, how to breathe while lifting weights and how much exercise was enough each day.  It seems like I caught on the exercise a little quicker than I did becoming a Christian.  Thank goodness God is merciful and knows the intentions of our hearts.

          There is something special about rising early to spend quiet time alone with God.  It’s just me and God discussing the day ahead while asking his advice on how to serve him.  From Psalms 5:3 we learn; “In the morning O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.”  After revitalizing the soul, I am now ready to address the body.  Years ago I discovered exercising in the morning awakens and strengthens my body while pouring energy into all of my cells.  When finished, I feel refreshed and ready for the day.  These morning moments once thought to be a sacrifice are now my provision of peace and strength for the day.

          One thing that is sometimes lost in our busy schedules is the truth that we are on a Christian journey as we anticipate our heavenly destination.  God desires an ongoing relationship with all of his children.  In the stillness of the morning, if you listen quite intently, I believe you can hear, All Aboard!

Theresa Rowe can be heard each Friday morning between 7:30 and 8:00 on the Joe Lowe Morning Show on 1490 womi. Find her website here.

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